Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring – The Perfect Time for Makeover Games

Spring is quite easily the best time for makeover games. If you’re in doubt – here’s why.

Spring is the Time of Change
Spring is the best change of the year. The cold, gloomy days of winter are ending and the bright, warm weather is upon us. Why not leave the gloomy old you behind and try on a new, more exciting style instead?

Spring is a Time for Romance
Nothing makes you feel more excited about a new look than a bit of romance. All creatures are interested in the opposite sex in the spring, so getting gussied up with a new look is truly no different than a bird’s plumage or a deer’s new antlers. It’s nature!

Spring Inspires Us
The warm breezes speak to us and the sunshine makes all of the difference. Put it all together and you have the perfect inspiration for change.

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