Saturday, July 4, 2009

Makeover Games and Your Hair

You should try to avoid changing your hairstyle on a whim, although those usually are the best kinds of changes. It’s a double-edge sword. You do something drastic on a whim and it might become the best hair makeover you’ve ever had or it might be the worst. You’ll usually never know until it’s finished and you see the result in the mirror.

Makeover games usually include your hair and during the process of the makeover game, you’ll likely be getting a completely new hairstyle. If that’s a bit scary to you, know that you’re not alone. A lot of women use their hair as a comfort zone. They are comfortable with the style they have, even if it’s not becoming or even completely unattractive. But changing to something unknown is frightening, and who can blame them.

Often there might be a tear or two shed as the first big locks of hair start to fall, but going through with it and creating that new terrific style is almost always worth it. It takes some getting used to and it might be a day or two before it settles correctly around your face, but enjoy your new look. Compliment it with some new clothes and other styling options. Your hair will look great and so should the rest of you.

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