Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Makeover Games and Pinterest

What I’d really like to see on Pinterest is a board dedicated to real people who are creating makeover games in real life. How many of us are fascinated by changing styles and clothing and just getting through life with a slightly different edge or approach? Yet we still have to tune into Oprah or the like to find someone enjoying makeover games. I vote we start our own games by making over ourselves and our friends.

Take a quick picture for your “before” and then get to work on your clothing, hair and make up. Shop for something that feels great on and get it altered to fit perfectly. Then, get a new hairstyle, put on a bit of make up and take some new pictures in a flattering light. Once you have your new pictures, pair the two up side by side to see how closely they resemble each other. Most likely you’ll have something really fun to share. Splice the pictures together in Photoshop or even Clipart and then upload them to Pinterest so that everyone can enjoy the makeover games with you!

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