Monday, May 2, 2011

Makeover Games and Sleep

It’s hard to be beautiful in your makeover games if you haven’t taken care of yourself the night before. Sleep is one of the most important elements in your makeover games, and without a good night’s sleep and sometimes even a beauty nap during the day, your skin isn’t going to look it’s best and your entire face will reflect your tiredness.

Bags under your eyes are often the most significant sign that you’re tired. When you have dark circles under your eyes, it should be absolutely clear to everyone that there is something amiss. Of course, you can try to cover these circles with concealer, but that doesn’t always work properly. You might be able to cover the darkness, but it’s impossible to cover the swelling.

Sadly your eyes don’t just get dark when you’re tired; they start to swell, too. Swollen eyes aren’t very attractive and they can make it a challenge to apply make up as well as to look your best. Cold cucumber can help to reduce the puffiness, but then so can a good night’s sleep - a great recommendation any way you take it.

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