Wednesday, September 24, 2008

When Makeover Games Go Wrong

Are you a victim of a bad makeover game? It’s pretty easy to tell when something goes wrong during a makeover. How severe the situation is depends entirely on what kind of makeover game you were playing.

Online Makeover Games
If you’re playing online and something goes wrong, it’s generally pretty easy to fix. Start over again by erasing your existing makeover and keep trying until you get it right.

Real Makeover Games
The true problems occur when you are working on a real makeover including a new hairstyle, makeup and clothing selections. Clothing is easy to fix although you may be out some serious cash if you bought all your new items in the wrong style or the wrong size. You should always try clothing on at home before cutting the tags, just in case.

Makeup is even easier to fix. If you’ve messed up when applying makeup, simply wash your face, apply moisturizer and start over again. This might cost you some time, but is easy to fix. Finally, if your hair style simply isn’t going to work for you, make the best of it, have it recut by the same stylist – sometimes this is free, or go to a new stylist to find a solution that is more flattering while you wait for it to grow out again.

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