Saturday, June 19, 2010

Makeover Games and Your Fingers

Do you bite your nails? It’s hard to have successful makeover games if you’re destroying your fingernails. Fingernails are small enough that they aren’t a huge make or break, but when your look is coming together, it reaches a point that you have to decide on how you’re going to handle the details. Pulling a look together means incorporating everything. If you like short nails, you can certainly keep your nails short, but looking groomed is essential to any look – unless you’re going for grunge or hobo.

There are plenty of ways to stop biting your nails if you seem to have a problem with chewing on them. There are gross polishes you can put on the nails to make them taste bad. Other people opt to put on fake nails over the existing nails. Not only is this good for the makeover games, but it also gives you something totally different to taste and feel in your mouth if you go to put that big fake nail in your mouth instead of the chewed up small ones you’re used to. Overall, once you stop biting your nails, you’ll feel better and you’ll be more in tune with the details of the makeover games.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Makeover Games and Back to School

Summer just began, but it’s not too soon to be thinking about back-to-school shopping. Actually, the summer is one of the best times to build up your back-to-school wardrobe because you have essentially all the time in the world to find pieces that fit well and are comfortable without rushing or feeling the pressure to buy, buy, buy. As you start getting ready for the next school year, take some time to truly enjoy makeover games.

You’ll want to find clothing that, of course, suits your school’s dress code, but at the same time, the makeover games you’re playing should suit your own personal style as well. Makeover games should be able making you more confident and look better. You can do this by incorporating more than just shopping into your plans. Try out a bold new hairstyle over the summer to see how it works for you. If you like it, keep it. If you hate it, you have plenty of time to grow it out or to cut it into something new to try before school even starts.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Makeover Games for Little Sisters

The makeover games that your little sister plays are the simple kind. She just loves to wear your clothing and makeup and you should let her wear them as often as possible since this is a great game the two of you can play together. Doing makeover games with your little sister will absolutely make her day, and in doing so, you’ll feel pretty good yourself.

Start the makeover games by setting a time limit. This sort of game can go on for hours, so when you realize you have a few hours before your evening plans take off and your little sister is looking a bit bored, ask if she wants to do a makeover game. She’ll likely be thrilled and if you’re willing you can have her invite a friend, too. Then start going through your closet to find clothes that she can wear to feel older and a bit cooler.

Once she’s dressed, sit her down and start working on her makeup and hairstyle. At the end of the makeover games, she’ll be ready to have her own little fashion show and you can sit back and admire your work knowing that you sister really loves your time together.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Makeover Games for Summer

In the summer months, you should absolutely look for opportunities for makeover games. The summer makeover games give you a chance to redefine your look. Unless you’re working brutal hours over the summer months, you’ll have more time to work on your fitness level and perhaps get your body toned up and in shape or build muscle and definition. Having time to work out and exercise also gives you better control of your emotions and reactions to life’s little situations. You can reduce the stress that’s built up over the school months as well using those empty weeks of summer.

Over the summer, you also have plenty of time to scour the stores looking for great deals on new fashion items. As you find new tops and pants, be on the lookout for clothing you can wear to school comfortably – not just summer items. Having clothing that can be worn both in the summer and during the school year makes it much easier to dress yourself no matter what the occasion or time of year. You’ll get the most out of your clothing and look great year round, which is always a great deal of funa s well.