Saturday, June 7, 2008

Your Summer Makeover

It’s time for a new look! Summer is the best time to find a new you not only because you’re out of school, but because so many great things happen in the summer. Summer camp, summer love, and now a summer you!

Summer You
The new you should be someone you love to see in the mirror and someone who makes you feel good. Your look should be about bringing out the best in you, not trying to make you look like someone else or something else. Stay true to yourself, no matter what style you choose.

You should do some research choosing outfits and styles you like. Your style might be totally different from what’s trendy right now and that is 100% okay. Style isn’t about trends so much as it is about finding a look that looks great on you and feels good, too.
Make the Change
When it’s time to make the change, go all out. Get your hair done and your nails, too – just for fun. Then grab a friend and head to the stores for your new wardrobe. Try things on and get her honest opinion. You want your new clothes to fit perfectly so that you’re looking your best all the time – not just with your stomach sucked in.

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