Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bad Nights and Makeover Games

When you have a bad night, you’re likely in desperate need of a makeover game the next morning. Makeover games are great for hiding the bags and shadows under your eyes and helping to camouflage that peaked look you get when you are just worn out.

To use makeover games to help hide your exhaustion, start by dressing up nicely. Avoid the temptation to pull on sweats or the equivalent, no matter how strong the desire may be. Looking sloppy likely means you’ll be looking tired, too. Pull on something that looks sharp, even if you feel like a worn-out blob and you’ll be most of the way there.

Next, focus on your hair. A flattering hairstyle can take years off your face and it can also help to distract from your worn-out look. However, when you barely slept, the last thing you want to do is your hair. Pull it up into a stylish ponytail or uptwist leaving only your bangs to style. Much less work than a full head of hair.

Finally, use makeup to cover the dark shadows and bring light to your face. Use brightener and blush to make your face seem alive – even if you’re feeling pretty close to dead.

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