Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Makeover Games and Reality

Makeover games are fun because they take a person who looks one way in real life and makes her look totally different. But I wonder how many made over people stay made over. A real transformation takes time. An afternoon in Oprah’s studio isn’t enough time to make someone appear to be brand new.

What is the likelihood that the minute that made over woman makes it back to the hotel, she peels off the new clothing and slips into her pajama pants. She washes her face, pulls back her hair and climbs in bed with a good book. Makeover games change what you see on the outside, but there is much more to the process if you want to change what you feel inside.

Everyone likes to see herself looking her finest. But it can be a lot of work to look that way all of the time. Makeover games can take hours when you’re trying to recreate a look, and many of us simply don’t have that kind of time in the morning – no matter how great we looked with our hair and makeup perfectly styled and applied. If you are lucky enough to have a makeover game, be sure to math your inside to the outside.

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