Saturday, August 8, 2009

3 Things to Love About Makeover Games

Playing makeover games is certainly enjoyable. When you play makeover games, you’ll be turning a bland doll into someone with a huge amount of style. This sort of game gives you plenty to enjoy.

Makeover games give you power. It’s nice to have a bit of power in a relationship, and makeover games do exactly that. You play makeover games by telling other people, even if they are onscreen dolls, exactly what to do. Simply choose a doll, choose her clothing and put it all together. She’s powerless to stop you.

Makeover games are flexible. I love nothing more than flexibility. I like to change my mind after the fact and makeover games let me do exactly that. I can dress a doll and then decide later than I don’t care for the look after all and change whatever I like.

Makeover games use the mind. I don’t care for games that just take me through a series of steps to get from point A to point B. I’d much rather think for myself. Makeover games make that possible.

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