Saturday, September 5, 2009

Makeover Games and School

School’s about to start and that means that it is time for makeover games. Going back to school after a long summer can mean many things, but one of the most important is that you need to get your look ready. Who you are each year can change dramatically. Use your clothing and your personal style to show the world what you’re about this year – it might be a huge difference from last year.

Getting ready for back-to-school usually involves a fair amount of shopping. When you’re buying clothes for the new year, make it a point to try on complete outfits rather than just isolated pieces. Trying on pants, a shirt and a jacket all together gives you ideas of how things work together and what else might look good with the outfit. When you buy pieces separately, you run the risk of getting them home and finding out that they look horrible together.

Pick up as many clothes as you can carry and pair them up in outfits inside the dressing room. The outfits you love, keep. The ones you don’t really like, ditch. There are plenty more where those came from.

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