Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Makeover Games and Highlights

I recently got highlights for the first time. I decided that I wasn’t content to go quietly into the years beyond the teen ones, and I wanted a new look, so I got myself one. Fortunately, I have a close friend who is a hair stylist, and she was able to arrange the highlights for me and walk me through the process. One day she sat me down and we did a subtle highlight job. The color wasn’t much darker than my hair, and I liked the effect, but I’ve since decided that a subtle job isn’t as much fun as I would have liked.

So the next time I do highlights, I’m going to do the highlights with a bit more oomph – I’m going even lighter and I might even do a dye-job first. Wouldn’t it be fun to walk into a salon as a brunette and come out as a deep red head? Or maybe some light blonde just for a bit of fun. I’ve had friends who have played with hair color for years, but I was never much of a player then. Now though, I think it’s time to take my makeover games to the next limit.

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