Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rock Star Makeover Games

Who doesn’t secretly yearn to be a rock star? Whether you can sing or not, you can certainly look the part, especially with a bit of help from a rock star makeover game. Your first step is to study rock stars in action. What do they wear on stage and off?

Look for dress up games with your favorite bands to get ideas and practice putting rock star wardrobes together. Remember that rock stars often set trends, rather than following them, so you can always be a bit edgy and different when you’re dressing up like a rock star. It’s just part of the fun.

When you have an idea of the style elements you’re looking for, head to your closet before you head to the stores. You never know what might be useful once you’ve included a few safety pins and properly applied scissors. Gather what you can from what you already own, and then set yourself on your way to the stores for some new pieces.

Find the items you’re missing in your wardrobe basics first, and then add killer accessories. Only when you have enough basics to make an outfit or two from what you already own should you start pulling entirely new outfits together. The basics will always be your starting point for a rock style wardrobe.

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