Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Makeover Games: Cutting Your Hair

If you’ve had long hair almost your whole life, as many girls have, the prospect of cutting it, even a bit can be frankly – terrifying. Hair is almost the same material as your fingernails, but for some reason, the prospect of cutting off your hair is much more burdensome that clipping your nails. If you’re considering a haircut, be sure to make the decision properly.

Don’t Act Rashly
If you just got out of a messy relationship or decided you hate your exboyfriend, cutting your hair is a bad idea. When you’re emotional balance is off, such as after a big breakup or fight, you might make a decision you regret.

Take It Slow
If you’re nervous about finding a new look, it’s simple to get there gradually. Instead of whacking off all your hair at one time, take off a few inches in a medium style. If you find you’re okay with that then you can cut off a bit more as you gradually get shorter. If you take it a few inches at a time, you’ll also be able to grow it back to a previously comfortable length in far less time than if you get dramatic right away.

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