Saturday, May 9, 2009

Makeover Games and Eyebrows

Your eyebrows frame your face. As the most notable part of your upper face, your brows say a lot about your grooming and you can change a great deal just by changing how you deal with your eyebrows.

Eyebrow Shape
Your eyebrows should have a natural arch. You can help to define the natural arch with the help of a specialist, but look first at magazines to see what sort of eyebrows models have. You can bet they are at the top of the makeover spectrum and have the latest and greatest style.

Eyebrow Creation
Be extremely careful if you plan to wax or pluck your eyebrows yourself. It takes time for them to grow back and you’ll want to be sure that you don’t go too far on accident. For your first foray into eyebrow care, you might consider visiting a very reputable spa or salon. Don’t skimp here as you don’t want someone doing your eyebrows who isn’t capable or competent – they might do a worse job than you do.

Caring for Shaped Eyebrows
Once your eyebrows are shaped, your job will be to care for them. Tweeze out the stray hairs as they grow back and have them waxed, threaded or plucked on a regular basis to keep them looking great.

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