Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Secretes to Makeover Games

Makeover games have been around for a very long time, and everyone loves to watch the makeover games on television shows. But unfortunately, those makeover games have a few secrets that aren’t often discussed off the set.

Makeovers games are for a day only. Instead of teaching the makeover contestant how to style her hair or do her make up in a certain way, the person is made over only for the show. This means that the style and indeed the makeover will likely only last for a day or two. This is a sad reality, especially because the makeovers are supposed to be such a tremendous life change.

Makeover games aren’t always fair. Nothing in life is truly fair, and that is true of the makeover games as well. When you play makeover games, you can expect something good to come of it. But if you’re the subject of a makeover game on television you might endure embarrassment over your current look, feel ashamed and then not have very much changed once you’re through the embarrassment part of the proceedings.

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