Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Makeover Games for Warm Weather

The warmer weather of spring and summer brings with it some particular challenges. Getting ready for warm weather means having to ditch the bulky sweaters and layers that we hide behind during the winter and actually baring a bit more skin. To prepare for the coming of the warm weather, be sure your makeover games are targeted and fun.

The best ways to ditch the winter wardrobe is all at once. Spend a weekend digging around in your closet and drawers to find pieces that will help you transisiton from jeans and sweaters to shorts and t-shirts. A hoodie and a few pairs of longer, loose pants will likely be all you need over the next few weeks to cover the cooler days that come along while showing off your capris and Bermuda shorts at school – provided they are in the dress code, of course. Remember, too, that with warm weather comes the need for more exposed skin. This means you absolutely need more sunscreen as well. 

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