Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Makeover Games and Toenails

It may seem like an unlikely combination, but I make a lot of my decisions about makeover games based on my toe nails. When my toenails are pretty, I feel like I look good and that I’m taking care of myself correctly. When my toenails look sloppy or my feet are callused and not as attractive, I’m not nearly as included to play other makeover games. Right now, for example, I’m dealing with unpainted toenails.

I need a pedicure desperately. I need a manicure desperately for that matter as well. This weekend is going to be my time for beauty though. I’m going to use some serious makeover games to get my toenails in order. At the same time, I’m going to get my nails done and perhaps even get a haircut and new style. Heck, while I’m at it, why not use some makeover games to get some new clothes. And so it goes – the toenails seem to be the beginning of every round of makeover games for me, and they are always fun.

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