Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dancing Makeover Games

A full body makeover is tough if you are trying to go from one body type to another. For example, if you don’t have much muscle and you’re trying to lose weight, you’ll need a way to exercise and build muscle at the same time. Fortunately, the best way is a very easy thing for girls to do. The best makeover game is to dance like a maniac!

It’s likely you’ve danced for a few songs here and there at a school dance or maybe in your room. But I challenge you to turn up the volume and dance for thirty minutes straight. Try out new moves and be free with your movements. If you’re in your room nobody can see anyway.

The motion will help to burn calories and your overall conditioning will improve as well. You’ll also notice just how hard it is to hold some of those dance moves, so you can expect your muscles to get a good workout as well. If you start a new dance program and dance 25-40 minutes every evening, you’ll feel great and it won’t be long before you’ll notice your body trimming up and feeling much stronger, too.

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