Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Common Mistakes for Prom Makeover Games

When it comes to prom, girls have been known to lose their heads. For some, prom is almost as important as their wedding – only without a groom or that pesky lifelong commitment. But with any big event there will always be complications and ordeals to overcome. These are among the most common:

You make prom into something it can’t ever be. Those who watch classic movies like Sixteen Candles know that dances can be overrated. Prom is just another dance, but it’s a big one. Take some time to prepare, but don’t let it define who you are or who your friends are.

Prom doesn’t have to cost an arm or a leg. There is no need for a dress that costs hundreds of dollars or a limo to take you from here to there. Buy a beautiful but inexpensive dress and carpool in a big sedan borrowed from someone’s parents.

It’s not about keeping score. Some people get too wrapped up in whether or not they “score” on prom night. Prom should be a fun, possibly magical experience. There is no need for anything else.

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