Wednesday, January 7, 2009

When Makeover Games Go Wrong

Sometimes things go terribly wrong during a makeover. A full makeover usually consists of multiple parts including getting a haircut and style, new clothing, make up and some new accessories. When things go wrong, you wind up looking less like the vision you imagined and more like an odd collection of assorted parts.

Remove what you can. Fortunately, you have some options when it comes to the components of your makeover. Everything but the hair comes right back off again. Unless those doing the makeover threw away all of your old clothing, you can take off the new items and pull the old ones back on.

Scrub your face and get rid of the make up and then apply what you think is a better look. If you like one part and not the other, just leave the clothes on and change the make up or vice versa. If your hair has come out wrong, start by asking the stylist to fix it. If she’s not able to, visit another, more reputable stylist to see what can be done. Finally, you can just pull it back for a few months until it grows out again and you can try the whole process again.

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