Saturday, March 21, 2009

3 Tips for Makeover Games

Love makeover games? You can have even more fun with your makeover games if you try things just a bit differently.

Start With the Outfit
If you’re used to starting with hair or makeup, start instead with an outfit. This allows you to get really creative and then model your hair off the new image you create. You can also change an outfit a few times to suit your taste, hair is a bit trickier to do over.

Go With Your Gut
If you pull an outfit together and instantly love it, go with it. If you pull a look together and wonder if its overkill, it probably is. Use your instincts as a guage for what is just right, what needs a little extra and what is just beyond reasonable.

Play With Friends
When you work with friends, you have the benefit of their advice as well as your own opinions. Listen to what they say and watch what they do to get inspritation from places you didn’t anticipate.

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